Tesla Meter, Tm-400
TM-400 operates on the principle of Hall Effect in semiconductors. A semiconductor carrying current develops an electromotive force, when placed in a magnetic field in a direction perpendicular to the direction of both electric current and magnetic field. The magnitude of this e.m.f. is proportional to the field intensity if the current is kept constant. This e.m.f. is called the Hall Voltage. This small Hall Voltage is amplified through a high stability amplifier, the output of which is processed through a microncontroller and displayed on a graphical LCD display.
Range-1: 0 to 4 Tesla (0 to 40 KiloGauss)
Range-2: 0 to 2 Tesla (0 to 20 KiloGauss)
Range-3: 0 to 200 milliTesla (0 to 2 KiloGauss)
Range-4 : 0 to 20 milliTesla (0 to200 Gauss)
Display : 4 digit dot matrix graphic LCD, with appropriate decimal placement.
Units: Tesla, Gauss
Functions: DC, AC (Freq. limited by hall probe)
Accuracy : 0.5% 1digit
Hall Probe: GaAs, upto 500KHz
Mode: Normal, Differential
Hold: Maximum, Minimum
Refresh Rate: 3 samples per second
Operating Temperature : Upto 40C
Memory Type: Non Volatile, upto 25 samples
Computer link: USB
Software : DACC and CAMM, both Window compatible
Power : 220V 10%, 50Hz
110V 10%, 50Hz (optional)
Tesla Meter, Tm-400